The “Ride With” Program is an opportunity to meet and ride with some of the most interesting people that ride the San Diego Century. Some are real Legends of Cycling, whose exploits on the bike excite everyone who loves the sport. Some are experts who can offer advice on training, nutrition, cycling technique and the history of the sport. And some are the people who have done incredible things in their life and brought that to their cycling. The San Diego Century Bicycle Tour is privileged to host a wonderful group of cyclists.
Darryl MacKenzie Profile:
We are very excited to bring you more information about Darryl MacKenzie, the featured "Ride With" Athlete for this week.
If you are on the path of endurance cycling, whether it’s your first 50 miles, or the goal of the California Triple Crown (Completing 3 Double Centuries in one year) Darryl MacKenzie is a coach who can help you reach your goals. Darryl’s coaching and classes concentrate on the beginning and intermediate endurance cyclist: those cyclists riding or wanting to ride events that are 50 miles, 100 miles or 200 miles. Darryl’s instruction is complete with information on safety, nutrition and riding effectively in a group.
Darryl is originally from Novia Scotia, Canada and has been in California since 1983. He’s been a a licensed USA Cycling Coach since 1996 and has been leading stationary bike training classes since 1999. Darryl leads 4 classes per year at the Trek Bicycle Superstore in La Mesa for 50-60 cyclists per class.
If your cycling is at the stage where a bike fit is in order, Darryl is also an expert bike fitter. His bike fit services help to adjust the bicycle to the specific cycling needs and physical characteristics and limitations of the cyclist, with a concentration on endurance cyclists and cyclists over 35 years of age. If you are looking for more comfort on the bike, want to generate more power or go farther distances you have an expert at hand.
Along with being an accomplished coach, Darryl is also a very accomplished endurance cyclist. He has completed 30 Double Centuries, he has 7 California Triple Crown awards, and he has completed over 100 centuries. He’s coached over a dozen cyclists to their first Double Centuries and Triple Crowns.
If you are interested in contacting Darryl for coaching advice, a bike fit, or getting on the list for one of his spinning classes then leave a comment here or contact Darryl directly at DarrylMacKenzie@Cox.Net.
San Diego Century Bicycle Tour "Ride With" Athletes
Here are the rest of the current “Ride With” Program members who will be out on the course in May:
Kim Mueller – Kim is an All-American Triathlete, a Registered Dietitian and is armed with a master’s degree in Exercise Physiology/Sports Nutrition. She used her expertise to develop and launch Infinit Nutrition, a company that custom blends functional ingredients to address a variety of performance and health goals. Kim thoroughly enjoys helping others achieve optimal health and peak fitness performance.
To read our feature article on Kim, click here>>.
Damon Poor – Damon underwent gastric bypass surgery in 2001, and went from 350 pounds to 4 Double Century’s in 3 years. He’ll be on the course providing inspiration for all of us.
Gordy Shields – Gordy is a national record holder and set the record for fastest 20Km in USA History for….get this, the 90+ category. He just did this in April 2008. Gordy isn’t planning on 100 miles, but he’ll be there, and will be cheering everyone on.
We look forward to building upon the “Ride With” Program for the San Diego Century Bicycle Tour in 2010 – we hope you get as much fun and inspiration out of it as we do.
Leave a comment if you are interested in riding with or contacting the “Ride With” Program members.
Click here on The San Diego Century Bicycle Tour to get more information, register for the ride on May 22, 2010 or purchase the 2010 Jersey!
Ride on!
by Greg Hendrickson
Greg's Blog: WatchMyRace
Photos: Darryl MacKenzie
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